C/o Q. No.B-12-West, Yarada Park,Sriharipuram,Visakhapatnam-530011, A.P. Phone 0891-2894505

VR CDP-MOS signed by Both unions on 14.05.2018

08 February, 2010

Central Trade Unions stage massive dharna before parliament on16 December, 2009

Nine Central Trade Unions including CITU, BMS, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, AICCTU and UTUC staged a massive Dharna before parliament on 16th December, 2009 as a protest against Govt’s inaction to control price rise, check labour law violations, non-creation of national fund for unorganized workers social security, loss of jobs in the name of recession and disinvestment of profit making public sector undertakings. Around 10000 workers sat on Dharna.
(Courtesy: The working class journal)

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